Monday, June 22, 2009

Plaza Live! Concerts

Free fun can be had on the Plaza every weekend. Window shop ('cause who can afford to regular shop - especially down there) and enjoy free music from 2-5pm at the Penguin Courtyard (on Nichols Rd. between J.Crew and Scandia Down,) Mermaid Courtyard (at Nichols Rd. and Broadway by Eddie Bauer) and Neptune Courtyard (on 47th St. by Houston's) on Saturdays and Sundays. This Saturday Stan Kessler & the Sons of Brasil will be playing the Mermaid Courtyard, and Roland Allen will be playing the Penguin Courtyard. Sunday will feature Lonesome Hank & the Heartaches at the Mermaid Courtyard, and Bayley Kate & The Bluegills at the Neptune Courtyard. So grab a seat near a cooling fountain, catch some free tunes, and splurge and spend a couple of bucks on an ice cream cone or an iced latte, since it's so stinkin' hot out.
Libby also has a suggestion for some free fun for your canine friend to have on the Plaza. She says that if you take your dog for a walk on the Plaza to be sure to stop in at the Three Dog Bakery. It's the original store! The first one ever. They don't charge anything for your doggie to sniff the yummy treats in their store, and they even hand out free samples!


  1. Libby also likes the free sniffs to be had when the grill is a burn'n. No free samples though.
