Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Not free, but it's all the beer you can taste for only $25!
More Free Wine Tastings...
- Saturday, October 17th, 4-7pm: Green Dirt & Inland Sea. I am assuming "Green Dirt" is referring to Green Dirt Farm, and may be featuring their sheep's milk cheeses? Inland Sea is a local "Urban Winery" that I didn't even know existed. Cool!
- Tuesday, October 21st, 5:30-7:30pm: Staff Picks Tasting
- Thursday, October 29th, 5:30-7:30pm: Owen Roe Winery tasting. I appreciate that Owen Roe's vinyards are in the Pacific Northwest.
They are all free! I may seriously check out the Green Dirt Farm/Inland Sea tasting this Saturday. I have a lot going on, so we'll see, but it sounds pretty interesting.
Check out Cellar Rat's calendar - they have a lot of other tasting events each month that involve a mininal charge.
Tour of Austrailia @ Gomer's South
Friday, October 2, 2009
Free Fun with Wild Bill
And it's pretty freakin' awesome, if I do say so.
Free Fun for Saturday, October 3rd
The Weston Applefest is this weekend (preceding next weekend's Weston Irishfest - which is definitely fun, and definitely not free) and it's free if you don't buy anything. I could go and not buy any merchandise, because it sounds like it will be very crafty, but the apple butter cooked over an open fire and apple dumplings would be harder to resist. Jim "Stinky Feet" Cosgrove will perform on Saturday, and Bob Reeder on Sunday, among others. Weston has a lot of "fests."
The U.S. Air Force Band will be playing at the Liberty Memorial begining at 4pm on the southeast lawn. Should be a beautiful evening, clear but cool, so bring a blanket.
It's First Friday Again
Cellar Rat Wine Merchants @ 17th & Baltimore will have a tasting tonight, also. It's all about the Malbec from Argentina. They will have cheese and charcuterie plates. (I know, I had to google charcuterie 'cause I'm not as spohisticated as I pretend to be. You were fooled by my impressive art critiques, weren't you? I sure as hell know what a "cheese plate" is, though!)
If you would rather hang with the plebes, there is always the tasting tonight at CVS in Waldo. Gomer's South has the usual wine tasting on Saturday from 12-3pm.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Free Theater!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Brewery Tours are Free Fun!
Luckily, Schlafly in STL also gives tours - and they are also free! Yeah, I know. Driving to St. Louis is not free, and if you're there to check out Schlafly you'll probably have to eat and drink at one of their two brewpubs, which means you probably shouldn't drive the four hours back to KC and will probably also have to spring for a hotel room, unless you have friends or family to offer a free bed for the night. But the tour is free! Unlike that other brewery in STL *cough*Anheuser-Busch*cough*InBev*cough* who charges twenty-five bucks for the Beermaster Tour. What a bunch of BS that is, huh? Like they don't have billions and billions of dollars. Plus, Boulevard Pilsner kicks Bud's ass any day of the week. Schlafly has a pilsner, too, that I haven't tried, but am also certain is better than Budweiser.
I guess ZON is a winner....
Anyway, after re-discovering ZON this summer, I was surprized and excited to read today that it was a gold medal winner at the 2009 Great American Beer Festival in the Belgian-style Witbier category. Yay Boulevard!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Blogging is free fun...
Where's (Free Fun In) Waldo?
Also, this Saturday is the Falldo Waldo Crawldo! Not free. Tix are five bucks in advance, ten at the event, and it's a pub crawl, so you have to buy beers. And, if you are smart, cab fare home. Or just walk home - that would be the free fun portion of the evening, I suppose. This year is bigger and better than ever - fourteen neighborhood drinking esatablishements are participating! Since Kennedy's has re-opened in the last year, and The Well opened recently, that adds two new spots on the roster. And The Well is a pretty sweet addition to the neighborhood, I have to say. Swagger is also a new on the list. I hear they have some pretty serious bar food, and some serious beer on tap. Although the Case Man and I have yet to make it up there for a meal and a brew.
Indy at the Library
Friday, September 11, 2009
Mama Ray @ BB's
This Weekend in Free Fun
It's 2nd Saturday in KCK, too. They have an Artwalk.
More free fun in KCK - the Strawberry Hill Festival. Click the picture of their poster below for details:
The 30th annual Art Westport is this weekend, as well. Not that exciting to me. But it is all local Kansas City area artists. And it's free - unless you stop for cocktails. Which probably makes it a
Camping in the back yard....
Friday, September 4, 2009
Camping for Free
The Case Man and I really wanted to go camping this holiday weekend, but there is just too much going on - pool parties, planting new grass, blah blah blah. Plus, even though it's really cheap to pay for a campground at a state park or whatever, you still have to pay for it. And the bathrooms aren't as comfortable as they are at home. And we have a fenced yard at home so Libby won't have to be tethered. And all we would have to pay for are the S'mores and the beer. It's basically free. So we are going camping in the backyard this weekend.
Although, and I'll have to run this past the Case Man, but I think we should have some backyard camping ground rules. Like you can only go in the house to go the bathroom, or if you need medical attention. I think we should actually camp - just in the yard, right? We'll have to establish these rules this weekend, and then I'll post them later for reference.
Road Trip!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Free Movies! Parks! And Libraries!
Rocky Horror screening at dusk, City Market Park at 3rd & Main. Pack a picnic, wear a sweater and enjoy the city skyline!
Some sci-fi movie called Sunshine is showing at the Central Library, Downtown, on Saturday at 1:30. It's part of their Cinema Across the Universe film series, held in the Stanley H. Durwood Film Vault. I have never heard of this movie, but it stars the super creepy Cillian Murphy and the kickass Michelle Yeoh, and involves scientists trying to reignite the sun? Okay.
Grand Hotel will be showing, also at the Central Library, on Saturday, September 5th. I love this movie!
Humphrey Bogart as private detective Philip Marlowe in The Big Sleep at First Fridays Film Classics at the Waldo Branch on Friday, September 4th at 2pm.
Movies in the Park 2009 is still going on, too! In addition to tonight's screening of Rocky Horror at City Market Park, you can also see Hotel for Dogs Saturday night at Roanoke Park; Beetlejuice at Tower Park (75th & Holmes) on Friday, September 4th; Ghostbusters at 12th & Paseo on September 6th; Journey to the Center of the Earth 3-D (!) at Migliazzo Park, Minor Drive & Pennsylvania; and Wall-E at 26th & Jarboe on September 18th.
So much Free Fun to be had at the library!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Free Wine Tasting @ Cellar Rat
Friday, August 21, 2009
Movies at the Library
And Saturday, just like when I was a kid, the Westport Branch will be screening classic cartoons.
Check out the website to R.S.V.P for tonight's screening and a full list of movies, times, and locations.
Alrighty...and now, for some Free Fun!
So here's what's goin' on this weekend, kiddo's!
We've got lots of Free Music Fun:
Friday Night Live in the Power & Light - the Zero's are performing. Free admission, but the alcohol will cost if you aren't the DD. And being the DD is not only Free Fun, but DUI's are definitely NOT Free Fun. Far from it, in fact.
Eddie Money is playing at Crown Center for the Free Friday Night Concert Series. I bet he plays this song. And hey - you can even take the Metro to Crown Center. It's especially convenient if you live in my neck of the woods - there's a Park & Ride right near 75th & Wornall. The Metro isn't free, but it is very cheap! And you don't have to drive. And.....Eddie Money plays the saxaphone. Coo-ol!
Parkville Riverfest is back! And it's Free! Bring a lawnchair or blanket, it's gonna be a fabulous weekend for an outdoor event like this. No outside beverages are allowed, but they will have beer & wine vendors in the park.
If you will be at the Overland Park Farmers Market on Saturday morning, a band called The Brew will be playing there at 10:30. I have never heard of them / cannot vouch for their quality, but you can watch this video and judge for yourself. Hmmm. Should be pretty kid-friendly, I think.
The CaseMan and I, however, will be at the Farmers Market in the River Market Downtown. I doubt it will be Free Fun, because I know we will buy stuff, but it's stuff I won't have to purchase at the grocery store. And maybe I'll happen past the Shatto Milk booth!Also, it's Ford Free Fridays at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art. I can't find anything on their website, and I haven't ever attended, so I don't know what this is, exactly, since the museum is always free. So if anyone knows anything about this, feel free to leave a comment.
One more - Gomers Lee's Summit has a wine tasting this evening. There is also the usual Friday night wine tasting at CVS, 75th & Wornall.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Mad Men Me
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I know it's been a while...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Going to Grandma's...
I forgot this one.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Free Fun in the Village
But, the awesomest of all, is the Chinook helicopter landing. Yeah, that thing in the photo. Wow. Now that is worth the price of admission. But there's no admission, is there? Cool! Also, they will have firetrucks, I'm sure. So if you don't have plans for Saturday, and you have kids, or you just like awesome army helicopters and Chris Cakes, you can have free fun in Prairie Village.
Also, I don't see any fireworks on the schedule, but how much can we ask for in a free event, really?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
- KC Riverfest at Berkley Park on the Riverfront. Admission to the festival is $5 for adults (purchased in advance online) and kids 5 and under are free. Events are ongoing the afternoons of the 3rd and 4th, and it looks like they have fireworks starting at 10:05 both nights, too.
- Parkville has their 4th of July celebration at English Landing Park, with fireworks over the Missouri River starting at about 9:30pm. A shuttle will run from 6pm-midnight to and from Park Hill South High School and Park University, which might not be a bad idea, since parking in Parkville is tough to begin with.
- Corporate Woods Star Spangled Spectacular has lots of country music, a live remote with Q104, a "show band" (I don't know what that means) and the Kansas National Guard Band. As far as I can tell, this is free fun unless you want to make a donation to the OP Rotary. Fireworks start at 9:30pm, and as big as Corporate Woods is, I would imagine this would involve a lot of walking, especially if you're going late for just the fireworks.
- Worlds of Fun still has their fireworks display, I think. I remember parking along I-435 (along with a bunch of other people) to watch it once or twice when I was a little kid, which isn't very safe, but it was free. I didn't find anything on their website specifically about the 4th, but they have lots of other stuff going on in July - none of it's free, though.
- The City of Independence has a fireworks display at the Mormon Visitors Center (the big spiral.) Also, there will be a kids 4th of July parade in old Downtown Independence, and the kids can decorate their bikes and scooters and stuff. Now that sounds like free fun!
- Powell Gardens Booms and Blooms festival is actually on the 3rd of July, but sounds lovely with live orchestral music, homemade ice cream, and of course fireworks. Festival admission ranges from $5-$10.
- The Smithville Marina will have a display shot off of the Smithville dam, but the calendar on the Clay County website wasn't working, so I can't verify this.
- Weston has the Jaycees fireworks show at the West Platte High School athletic field.
- The City of Olathe will have their 4th annual fireworks display begining at about 9:30pm at the Great Mall of the Great Plains
- The Royals will be playing the Chicago White Sox at The K on Thursday, Friday and Saturday over 4th of July weekend. Fireworks on Friday, as usual, and Saturday for the 4th, too. Saturday's give-away freebie is an old school ringer tee for the dudes and an old school halter for the ladies. Sweet!
One fireworks show that I thought for sure would be listed online somewhere is the Shawnee Mission Park display - it's kind of an old standby for people who don't have big plans, you can just mosey on over and check it out if you feel like it. I did finally find on the JoCo Parks and Rec site that they won't have it this year due to budget cuts. Bummer. I was also hoping to find a listing for a display at the Liberty Memorial, but found nothing there. Let me know if anyone knows anything about that - we were hoping to watch it from the Case Man's aunt's house. Perhaps we'll still be able to see the one's at the Riverfront? We'll see.
UPDATE: Neighbor Shane says there is also a display in Fairway - and there is! At Bishop Miege High School, 5041 Reinhardt Drive, at 9:30pm. Thanks Shane!
Kansas City Area Farmers Markets
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
KC Urban Farms and Gardens Tour
More free fun in KCK
Monday, June 22, 2009
Kansas City has a world class art museum. And it's FREE!
Plaza Live! Concerts
Libby also has a suggestion for some free fun for your canine friend to have on the Plaza. She says that if you take your dog for a walk on the Plaza to be sure to stop in at the Three Dog Bakery. It's the original store! The first one ever. They don't charge anything for your doggie to sniff the yummy treats in their store, and they even hand out free samples!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Free Will
Monday, June 15, 2009
Dave Stevens!
Shatto Family Day!!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Free Tastings...Yum!
Gomer's also has free wine tastings and events at their stores. I'll try to keep up with them on my blog, but you should call and check your favorite location each week. In my neck of the woods, at the South Kansas City location, tonight there is a meet & greet with Left Hand Brewery (and their brewmaster) from 4-6pm. I have not tried their beer yet - I will as soon as I get out of the office this afternoon - but I already like them. They dig chicks who dig beer. They even have a girls-only club. Cool! Too bad I'd have to go all the way to Colorado to attend a meeting. Also, on Saturday from 12-3pm, SoKC Gomer's is having a wine tasting.
Downtown KCK has free fun.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Too bad it's a school night...
UPDATE: After checking out their myspace, the Also Rans could be kinda cool. Garage Rock. Probably a lot more fun live (and drinking free beer) than sitting at my desk with the volume down so as not to annoy others.
Katie Horner is Free Fun...?
Here are the rules:
The Katie Horner Drinking Game
If Katie's wearing jeans, it's clearly casual day. All players must be in their underwear.
If Katie mentions a watch or a warning of any type, hold tight to your drink and sip nervously.
If Katie tells you it's hailing in you area, run outside to freshen the ice in your cup.
If Katie speaks directly to your children, give them a heavy dose of cough syrup. (If you don't have kids, drink it yourself.)
If Katie says "Tonganoxie," everyone passes their drink to the person on the right and chugs.
If Katie says "Take cover," top off your drink. It's gonna be a long night.
If Katie talks about being scared for your life, chug.
If Katie asks the audience to e-mail her rainfall totals or storm damage reports, take a crazy party pic and send it to her.
If Katie references Newschopper 5, take 5 gulps.
If Katie announces a tornado warning, fire up the blender and make some pina coladas.
If Katie talks about Doppler coupling, make out with the person to your left.
If Katie walks off screen, take a long, steady chug until she returns.
If Katie talks about peace of mind, drink.
If Katie tells you you're in the clear, the game ends.
If a tornado actually hits your house, move the party to KCTV5 and get Katie drunk with you!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Legos are fun.
Also happening at Crown Center - they have a lot of Free Fun at Crown Center - Kansas City Chalk & Walk Festival on June 19th & 20th. According to their website "Artists start with empty squares of asphalt and by the end of the weekend, these squares will be transformed into magnificent pieces of artwork." Sidewalk chalk on steroids? Sounds cool! Also, it's free!
Legos and sidewalk chalk are fun. But you can't eat them. Well...I guess you could, but why would you when you can have free fun with food? Food prepared by chefs like Debbie Gold, one of America's greatest female chefs? Check out Crown Center again for more free fun with The Chef's Taste of Summer Series, first featuring Martin Heuser of the Westin on Friday, June 19th. Frank Majowicz of the Hyatt Regency is scheduled for July 17th, and Debbie Gold of the American Restaurant on August 21st. It's FREE, but it starts at noon, so I'll be at the office eating a lunch I had to pay for and probably had to thaw from a frozen block and heat into a pile of mush. Not free and not very fun.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Welcome to Free Fun!
Hence, I will be compiling all of the free, fun (or at least super super cheap) stuff I find to do in Kansas City here on my new blog. I'll probably throw in some good happy hour deals and cheap eats or whatever. I prefer free, but as long as it's easy on the pocketbook, that's cool.
Here is some free fun for those if us who live in the Waldo area - Movie Night at Tower Park!
Sponsored by the Tower Homes Association and South-Broadland Presbyterian Church.
June 13th at sundown they will be screening Ghostbusters (and if that ain't a fun movie, I don't know what is!) and it's FREE! (I hope people are catching on to exactly what this blog is about by now.) Bring your own chair or blanket, and your own refreshments. I believe (according to the sign on the register at Soil Service, but not posted on the THA website) there will be some concessions for sale, too, if you want to splurge.
Another note about the P&L District - I generally don't hang out there very often unless I am looking for some fun that is not so free (and generally that means drinking beer that costs money at the Flying Saucer Draught Emporium, which is only the best selection of yummy yummy beer in the whole city, so I'm willing to pay for that kind of fun from time to time), but they do have free concerts every Friday at KC Live. Some I don't care/know so much about, but The Zero's are a pretty cool 80's cover band, and Rattle & Hum is the aforementioned U2 cover band. Admission is free, but if you're drinkin', that's not free. So it's kinda free fun, especially if you are the designated driver. Depending on your perspective. Here's a link to the concert calendar: